Finally re-potted this guy |
Moved him near the sky light and he's gone crazy trying to reach it |
Creepy cool dead apple tree |
Sad sumac |
Forgot to dig these up. Had to wait til last Friday when it wasn't freezing |
Town full of cute buildings |
Cute town's really gross latrine. Don't go in. Ken said it hadn't been cleaned since the county fair. Call me a snoot, but I never go in porta-potties. Clean your latrine, Larry! |
Bought a vintage waffle iron. I spent an hour making it perfectly clean, then Ken spent 4 hours taking it apart and staring at the insides. Looks like a flying saucer, or a roomba, and makes great waffles! |
Favorite find in Angelica |
I don't think I did much the past week. I remember being tired, hungry
for chips(haven't had any in nearly 3 weeks,yay) and a bit bored. A
favorite old show moved from 1l pm to 2 am, so that was a bummer, but we
get a free channel this month that plays Parks and Rec and Party Down
several times a night, so now I'm parked in front of the tv from 8 to
11. Oh--we did do something fun last Thursday. We went to see Walt. He
looked extra cute. We stopped at the thrift store where he bought a
Ouija board. Be careful, son. (There's a slight chance the demon escaped
the game box and traveled home with us,though. We heard a strange
growling sound that night, and have seen a couple eerie shadows in the
kitchen.) I can't wait to play it with Debbie.
Our big plans today include having Ken climb on the roof to see if any branches fell during the horrible winds last night, and maybe going to the grocery store for rice and coffee filters. I have to close my eyes most of the way down our road to keep from seeing all the dead deer hanging in the yards draining. Yuck.