Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Flower Mania

   We went to an Amish nursery today for flowers. I spent the afternoon potting and planting. I really, really hope we don't have any frosts forecast. Ken claims we will, but I was ready for some color.
He was riding a scooter
She's pushing a tiny baby
Here's the rabbit that Mother took without asking, then returned a year later
And the strawberry pot they were nice enough to haul across the country for me :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two More Days

   I bought  catnip at the dollar store, tied it up in some cloth, then gave it to the cat. She rolled and kicked for 10 minutes, then passed out in the flowerbed. She got up and crawled under a bush and looked bleary eyed and not-so-good.
   I must have the memory of a goldfish, because I don't remember planting orange tulips. I thought they were red/yellow. I found the bag this morning--I planted orange and pink. I do remember the crocus, but I have a few tiny purple blossoms that I thought were weeds. I'm glad I was too lazy to pull them, because next to the first bag was one labeled Anemone.
Hung over and smushing the anemones.
May 11, Leaves and Blossoms! First hummingbird seen
The grass is full of wild violets, but this was an extra big clump I dug up from the garden area

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Saturday, May 10, 2014


   21st. Ken says it doesn't feel like a day over 20 years. He asked what I wanted to do, so I chose the Amish bulk food place that we've never been to. I wish I'd brought my camera, I saw some of the cutest kids. We've been wondering where we'd find our spices and flours since Jenkins produce closed. Very good prices, and feels better than shopping at Walmart or Wegmans.  Farmer cheese, the brand of molasses we'd been searching for, organic yard eggs from the prettiest chickens, maple walnut fudge, almond and butter pecan flavorings for frosting,brown and golden flax seed, oat bran, extra course wheat flour, rye flour...

Friday, May 9, 2014


   Good grief.  We went from winter to summer. It's over 80 right now, but I'm not complaining. We spent yesterday in Elmira and Corning. It was Carole's 70th birthday, so Ken treated us all to lunch at the Olive Garden. I'd never been there before. Afterwards we stopped in Corning to buy us both some sneakers.
Look what Ken got me for Mother's Day
I tried to get her to wear it to lunch but she refused
First mow
I'm sure my tulips were all supposed to be red or yellow
  Lots of stress and fatigue up in Geneseo.  Walt took his Bio final this morning at 8. I doubt he went to bed last night...Calculus is at 3, and Physics labs are due this afternoon.  English and Physics finals are on Monday.
 Just joking about the bike.  If I get one like that it has to be pink.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It's The Place To Be

View of our house from Cline Hill( middle, near top, in trees. But this time of year you can actually see the house)
 There are only a few flowers blooming in our yard, and they've been covered in flying things all day long. Similarly,  Lowe's is a scary place right now, because every bee in the area has realized the nursery section is finally open. Yay!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sorry, Birds--Thought We Had More Time

  I went to sleep at midnight, but woke up at 2 when Ken came to bed. As we were talking, the motion detector light came on outside the window. It couldn't have been on more than 15 seconds, but when I glanced out the bear had already knocked the pole over and was eating. He was medium sized. We watched him a bit, then he ran off when I barely tapped on the window. We'd been assuming that the motion light would be enough to scare them off. The cat, who's apparently no dummy, stayed hidden in her bed just a couple feet away behind the bushes next to our window. I moved the animal camera to the very back of the yard yesterday, too, so maybe he'll show up on it.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Beginning the Garden

  I spent one day weeding the garden. We've decided to not plant squash ; I think we had 3 normal sized ones last summer. On the left side you can see lots of onions that were from last season.  On the right are the leeks we dug up in Allegany county a couple years ago. The soil is better now and full of worms, if only we had more sun. And we're still waiting on those leaves to appear and the grass to green up....


 After watching Puppy catch a snake, eat a dozen moths, stalk a deer, and spend half a morning with her paw down a chipmunk hole, I was able to quickly choose an appropriate collar for her.
Now she's a cute little bad-ass with a bell.