Sunday, August 31, 2014


Flowers from the summer that really wasn't.
Wild flower(dianthus?) found while trespassing in the woods
Queen Ann's Lace
Red Bee Balm, I hope it spreads
Dahlias that Walt gave me last year

Rose from WalMart. Supposed to be white.
Speckles appeared after opening
Bloomed all summer. Verbena?

Friday, August 29, 2014

Hot Damn, We Finally Did It

 Cut the brush in late April or May, I can't remember. Tried to burn it in June, and it refused. Attempted it again last week...yay for Walt's old socks doused in diesel!
Hosed the tree down while burning, but a few leaves got scorched.

PuppyCat and Pinky Fernando

He visits every 5 or 6 weeks. Either she's infertile or he's impotent. Win-win, either way. They do make a cute couple, tho.
Can you see him?
Pretty sure he's feral
Taking time to stop and smell the clover.

He Was a Good Boy