The Republican leaders and members looked away while this man bullied and lied. They still are not standing up to a "man" who mocks the disabled, lies outrageously, denigrates current Democratic members, speaks ill of everyone on Twitter( except Putin), and spends his only press conference bitching about how much better he was than Hillary, as if he's still competing in his ridiculous reality game.
He, a man who equates a woman's worth by her looks, who brags about grabbing women by their pussies without asking-- he is supported by top name religious leaders! Are you a Christian? Do you speak out?
He, a man who swore Clinton was the devil for hob- nobbing with Goldman Sachs, now has 4 Goldman Sachs members and their lawyer in his top administration. He, a man who claimed Hillary was allowing foreign officials access to her office, now has zero problems with running his empire while president. Do you seriously think he won't be involved? He, a man who swore the Mexicans would pay for the wall, now has switched gears. A man who led cheers( along with his General Flynn) about imprisoning Hillary, has now become quiet. A man who denigrates an elderly icon of the Civil Rights era. Does this bother you? Have you ever laughed and denigrated minorities? Have you made fun of protesters, or people celebrating MLK Day with parades?? You saw a known con man yet you chose to be conned? You saw a man who rallied his followers by professing hatred and fear of others, and chose to follow him because of your similar prejudices?
You looked the other way. You wanted your team to win no matter what the consequences were. You normalized this. You wanted to lower your own taxes, you think gays don't deserve the same rights as you, you want to keep all the stinking Mexicans out, you agree to kicking people off healthcare, you like the idea of a Muslim registry, you are fine with men sexually assaulting females, you don't want 'grown men peeing in the bathroom with little girls'. What was it? What made you choose this dangerous, insane clown? Where were your Christian morals when you went to the polls. Where are they hiding today? What are you? How do you define morals, ethics, dignity, and grace? If you could sit down with your grandchildren and great-grand children, what would you tell them about having admiration and respect for the President of the USA? If you have children, grand kids, or relatives who are gay, how do you ask forgiveness from them for the hateful beliefs this incoming administration has for humans born with a different sexual orientation than you? The Republican Party and all of it's followers, from this day forward, have no right to call themselves the Party of Family Values, the party of Christian morals. They forfeited that right when they allowed this man to represent what they stand for.
The cartoon below is from a Norwegian political piece. Seems to sum up what is coming.
I have no problem with political differences.
I have a problem with people choosing to support a creature of this ilk. Do you?