We went to Hornell last night to view fireworks. We were there right at dusk, found a seat on some bleachers, and settled down to watch the people. Everyone was facing the field along the river. You could see and hear individuals in the neighborhood shooting off their own, and then we saw fireworks in two areas behind us. They were very big and showy, yet no one turned to look. After half an hour we decided to walk back towards them to get a better view. I think it was coming from the villages of North Hornell and Arkport. Still--everyone faced toward the river--watching nothing. This went on for an hour! We felt like we were in some crazy alternate universe. Finally, the fireworks began near the river. We're still wondering how hundreds of people could do that.
Facing an empty field |
Here's the quilt we got at my now favorite antique shop. I'm glad K forced me to get it. I hate to think that we'll be using it in perhaps two short months, even tho I am miserably hot now. I must have grumbled enough about the heat, because we now have an airconditioner/heatpump/dehumidifier ordered and on it's way here.
It's a lovely quilt. I'd keep going back to that antique shop if I lived up there!