Friday, October 7, 2016

Old Houses and a Peeper

This is the oldest house in the county, 1797. We found it by accident, just driving around aimlessly.

  Greek revival outside of Bath. Look at those windows, 12 and 20 pane glass! I told Ken to just stop and let me stare, there is something about this old farm that mesmerizes me. I've been thinking about it for 3 days now, fantasizing how I'd buy it and fix it up. I can hearing it calling me.

He watched us while I ogled the house

 The barn across the road from the home. There's a really cool, creepy tiny shed( chickens?), and one of those rocket-shaped corn cribs I've always wanted, plus another barn. Oh, and 2 crappy mobile homes in the weeds,don't think they've been lived in for decades, but there's bound to be someone up here who'd haul them away for me!
She found this peeper on the front porch, and obviously nudged it a while before I saw it and put her indoors, as it was covered with her fur.


  1. I love the house. Woooo. The windows are just crazy! I wonder if they are all like that? Did you get to go around behind it?
    That frog photo would win a contest! Love it!!

  2. It would be fun to search records on that old house and the property.
