Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mind Meld?

I don't know if it's because we've been together for so many years, or because one of our brains is failing and has decided to hitch a ride with the other one--last night I went to bed a few hours before the guys, then K came to bed and lay down facing me. I was falling back  to sleep when I heard him give a long, drawn out , growling snore. At the exact same time I'd had a short dream of being chased down a path by an angry rabbit. He woke up then when he heard me laugh, and said he was dreaming that he was a rabbit hopping back and forth! How odd is that???


  1. I saw where my bunnies have managed to dig out from under the 14 inches of snow on the deck. They frolicked for a while apparently. I wonder if they miss Friday at all?

    1. Maybe you should get a new puppy to carry on the tradition for them. I let Rusty out the front door late last night, and instead of sniffing around and eating snow before doing his business, he took off like a rocket around the house. I don't know what he saw. I was watching your snow storm on television earlier. I've now decided that next year, for the month of February, I will either be in Texas or Hawaii.

    2. We are supposed to get 8 more inches of snow tomorrow. More sledding for me!
