Saturday, March 30, 2013

On the 11th Day of Spring

Such sweet guys I have--they brought this back for me yesterday after doing the grocery shopping.
No Coat Needed!
See that snow wall? That's from the first big snow at Christmas, when the good neighbor plowed for us. It's never melted, and is basically a long block of hard ice.

Haven't seen the driveway in a lonnggggg time.

Of course, this now means muddy dog feet and a good wipe down every time he comes back indoors.

First they went to Hornell to play tennis, then came back and washed the cars.


  1. Glorious sunshine! And I wouldn't mind the muddy paws at all. Just means they are attached to a wonderful dog.
    I hope your recovery is going well. Write me with an update.

  2. I guess your landscape will change rapidly now. (If the snow holds off long enough).
