Saturday, June 13, 2015

Taking A Drive

  Ken's been taking us for long drives in the evening, to show me where he rides on his motorcycle. He's seen two bears so far. Yesterday we found this cool old house.  It had huge rose bushes, gigantic lilac trees, and really creepy windows. I took lots of

This is where he saw the bear sitting in the road
pictures hoping to catch a ghosty orb. No luck. On the way home, though, we nearly ran over a red weasel;  I've never seen one of them before. Then we found an old abandoned farm that appeared Amish.  Once again I felt the need to peek in the windows but K was afraid I'd get shot for trespassing. Party-pooper.


  1. I bet you would see orbs at night. But I wouldn't be there! Brrr!!

  2. Exquisite flowers, poor, lonely house.
