Sunday, January 24, 2016

Waiting for February

  The doldrums have set in. I'm out of books.  Walt's classes and work run from 8 to 5 so I can't text him as before. There's zilch on television and too many well-trained morons on the online places I like to frequent.
    At least the sun is setting after 5 now, maybe closer to 5:30. See the orange cat in the middle pic? That's Pinky Fernando.  PuppyCat hates him (now that she's been spayed.) He terrifies her. Between him and the large fox that frequents here, I've decided to lock her up in the garage at night. She's gotten so fat that I doubt she could outrun either one.
  The last picture is from today.  Buffy kept sneaking in the bedroom and barking at the wall behind the door. Angry barking. I finally brought her out and shut the door; then she put her rope there. I've probably watched too many ghost shows, but I think that's a dog version of spreading a salt line to keep the demons out.


  1. El gato Fernando discovers his allure is no more. Yeah, I watch those ghost shows too. Something's fishy....

  2. When I was last there, Rusty pulled a comforter out from under the bed in that room. Wasn't he interested in something in there too?
    It's a very peaceful room. I enjoyed staying in there. Even if something was under the bed.

  3. That first photo of the sunset is gorgeous. I'm glad you have a bit of horizon to be able to enjoy skies like that.
