Monday, April 4, 2016

Today and last Week

Crashed into the window, needed to be held for a while until he came back to his senses

So many trees have fallen this winter

There was a field full of tiny lambs and moms next to these guys

Canisteo River

Too scared to look, reminds her of Blair Witch movie

I've seen the experts on TV say Bigfoot builds these type of lodgings

Looking down at Bath
Buried under many inches of snow now

It's been snowing steadily for two days, just as the daffodils were beginning to bloom. Last week was nice so we drove towards Bath trying to find a pond in the state forest land. We thought we'd have to hike in, but it was right off a back road. Buffy enjoyed the ice cold water and we saw plenty of large newts swimming around her. The next to last picture was taken in a county park. We saw these little signs that said " Eagle Nest This Way" so we followed them to the cliff. It was extremely steep, with sort of damp ground, and made both of us horribly nervous. I think we both had mini panic attacks; he was worried the dog would pull him over the edge, and I was worried the mother eagle would swoop in, scare me, and I'd stumble. Alas, we never saw the nest.


  1. Between Blair Witch, Bigfoot, eagles and baby lambs, I never know what to expect. Ice skating on the kiddie pool seems pretty tame.

  2. I'm so jealous you got to hold a woodpecker!
    Are you sure there was an eagle nest or was it just maybe a rock formation or something?
    I agree with Diane. Love the Bigfoot hut, nest or whatever their abode is called!
