Monday, November 7, 2016

Disbelief , Abandoned, and Odd

    Buffy was not happy with the odd-headed stranger standing in her laundry room.

Barking hysterically

  This next place was originally the only one-room schoolhouse in the county constructed of stones.
We decided to take a drive to see if it was still there. I've got a book of photos of the early towns around here; it seems that so many things burned down in the 1920's or were torn down in the 1970's.
But we found the school---it's now a run down house in a tiny town half filled with  garbage strewn yards, abandoned houses,with the other half well maintained, small farms( miniature horses) and tidy homes. So really, not much different than any town up here.
Our next trip is to find a 1907 pet cemetery...

Front of the school. You can barely see the tops of the two window frames. and the edges in the bricks in the middle where the small, triangular roof( that had the schoolbell) was attached.

Just another abandoned farm. The barn behind it is in pretty good shape.
It's  sad to realize that someone was living here recently, that satellite dish is so out of place...

 Call me nuts, but this reminds me of a one-eyed zombie alpaca head.


  1. Well call me nuts too. That is exactly what I thought. Maybe because I just saw an alpaca photo on a card when I was looking for a birthday card for Mother.
    Did Buffy act normal around Ken later?
    Cool old buildings! I should paint the one with 4 windows. You find the neatest places!

  2. Hahahaha!
    Poor old abandoned houses. They were somebody's dream and life, now gone.
