Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day at Corning Glass

It's been hot here for a few days. It's even more unbearable without AC (air conditioning, not Anderson Cooper, though he is adorable).

So, yesterday we got up early and drove to Corning to spend the day looking at glass in the cool museum. I think my overall favorite is the ancient Islamic glass. 

My Favorites:


Russian Nesting Cake Plates

Cracker Jar


Steuben Glass

Steuben Glass
I want this hanging in my living room

 Ken's Favorites:

Cologne Bottle

Glass Window Blinds. Very Few Remain

Glass Hood Ornament

Jellyfish Paperweights

Even though it was 20% off, he wouldn't buy it...but if we ever have several thousand dollars to spare, we're getting the vase and the paperweights...

...Maybe this $20,000 "Megaworld", too

Walt's Favorites:

Evil Rabbit

Can you believe these are all glass? There from the late 1800s. On loan from Cornell.

Fulgurites, natural glass formed when lightning strikes sand.


 His taste is definitely different than mine and his dad's.

Our favorite moment was when a stereotypical "redneck" looking woman was talking loudly to her daughters, obviously so everyone could hear. She said "Know how sometimes when we watch Antique Roadshow and they have a really ugly lamp that's worth $400,000? Well, here it is!" Then she points to this:



  1. Oh, that brings back wonderful memories. I could comment on almost every photo. I am so glad you took us there last year.
    Did you get to the whisper chamber upstairs?

    1. We did it all, even walked across the street to their other buildings to find the Steuben glass. We also listened to an interesting talk on fiber optics. It was very crowded by the time we left, I guess lots of us were trying to escape the heat.
