Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Put those four words together and you will have named the most stupid, imbecilic, asinine, ignorant group of parents in America. I have never seen such a gathering of insane women in one group in all my home-schooling days. No wonder so many Americans have such a negative view of home-schooling. Really, it's embarrassing. 


  1. I'm afraid that may include my cousin's well-meaning wife who home-schools their girls. I say that due to her mis-spellings on facebook, their down-to-the-knees hair and awful home-made dresses she puts on those girls. (In her defense) I hear she's a wonderful cook, which I'll never be!

    1. Well, she my just be religious. I understand those, it's when you combine that with insanity. Google the terms "the Pearls + to train up a child" to see how they discipline. Here are some questions they've asked:
      1) How in the world can you take a big number like 20 and divide it by a little number like 4/5ths and get a bigger number than the first?
      2) At what age can you give a baby milk? (Said by a mother of TEN)
      3)My kid stuck his finger in the cake frosting before his party, and my teen was caught listening to his radio after bedtime.What should the punishment be? That's easy. The most popular answer for any kid-crime is stripping the room of everything but mattress and pillow and they have to earn it back.
      4) Since we all know the earth is 6000 years old, how do I make a timeline with dinosaurs, the pyramids, and the Pilgrims to fit in?
      5) Isn't there any history book that is pro South for the Civil War? Sadly, yes. The same christian author also writes about how slavery actually was a positive, biblical force.

      Then you've got many of these same people who will post about every intimate detail of their lives. They can't make themselves type the word sex, tho, so they say "making tea". They'll giggle about it, they'll give their names, jobs,city, shoe size, every thing imaginable, yet scream bloody murder about evil census workers and how they just make up answers for them.
      I could go on all day. I'll admit to stereotyping kids and worrying at times how awful they are with their bad attitudes and droopy drawers, but I swear, if these homeschooled kids grow up like their parents, that's beyond scary.

    2. I looked up the Pearls and can't believe what I read. Dangerous teachings. You'd have to be crazy to follow their advice.
