Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sun Worship

This picture was taken a few weeks ago. There's a bit of snow on the high parts now. See that white speck? We drove around for an hour or so trying to find that farm, but never did. We wonder if they can look out from their house and see ours in the distance. They get so much more sun than we do. I timed it this morning--the sun peeked over the hill outside the bedroom windows at 10:40. No wonder we all seem to sleep so late; the house is so dark in the morning. There are times I've gotten up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, only to discover it's already past 7 a.m.

  I've started getting emails again, asking for stuff I've already sent in with the applications. I'd hate to be an admissions counselor. W got his first acceptance, to Ursinus College outside of Philadelphia.  We've never visited there, but he had a letter from the dean with a free app waiver.  It sounds like a good school. Their science dept has a program funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  Ws been watching their science lectures for years, and K thinks that alone makes the place worthy  enough to consider it seriously. Looks like they'll be visiting it soon. It's about 5 hours from here, so most likely I'll get to stay home with Rusty.


  1. Why don't you take Rusty, and then stay in the car with him when K and W go look around? That way you can still see the college.
    I just wanted to add that today is 12-12-12. I don't know why that fascinates me so much...
