Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Packing and Unpacking

  I've packed up the warm weather clothes and hauled all the coats and sweaters up from the basement. Ken put away most of the lawn chairs and carried all the petrified wood to the garage, last year a couple rocks cracked from the snow. We've had days of strong winds, so most of our leaves are no longer in the yard, so that's a plus. The cat has two warm beds made in the shed. I guess we're ready.
First dusting of snow

Rolled all the way down



Looks can be deceiving

This reminded me of a pig's butt, see the little tail?


  1. Was Buffy chewing on that stick? Kinda like a popsicle? She did look so innocent!

  2. Ithaca has an awesome dog park, at cass Park by the lakefront, one for small dogs, one for large. Huge, clean, friendly, beautiful! Nice pics here and thanks for visiting!
