Friday, May 11, 2012


This appeared on our wall a few evenings ago. I was ready to call the Paranormal Research Team, and tell them to bring their walkie talkies, heat-o-meters, and handheld personal ghost finding devices. Then Mr. Smarty Pants walked by and told me it was just light through the front door's glass.

 I love ghost stories. Not too long ago, on a homeschool board I frequent, I learned that demonic spirits can possess books and can easily enter your home through a middle man. They are  attracted to weak-minded people (such as drug addicts and hippies).  So, according to certain members of the homeschool community, if your UPS man is impure, and you let him step across your threshold, then there's a good chance your home will be infected.


  1. Who lets the UPS man inside the house?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm not sure, but I think it's the ones who order a lot of Young Earth/Creationist curriculum (big market in the homeschool community). Maybe they only have to get close for the demons to transfer. The bad spirits can also move from a possessed person into a book, bypassing the delivery guy. Seriously--they truly believe this.

  4. You've got to be kidding! Come to think of it we have a really creepy UPS guy & his twin boys were homeschooled. Which homeschool board? I haven't read any in a while.

