Sunday, March 30, 2014

March--In Like a Lion, Out Like a Tiger

 We've had a couple days of thawing temps, but yesterday was miserable. Severe winds and rain all day.  Last night the rain turned to snow. The cat hates wind as much as the dog, so she stayed hidden most of the day. This morning when I took  Rusty out, PuppyC came running full speed around the corner for us, apparently starving.
   The  large ditch is still half frozen, so all the melting snow is flowing across the driveway.There's a drainage pipe under the sidewalk that's working, but it can't seem to keep up right now. It doesn't bother me much, because the sound of gurgling water is so pleasant this time of year.
This morning. Happy to see fresh, clean snow to eat, it was getting a bit scarce.
Where's my breakfast, lady!
How sad.  She must have been pacing around an empty bowl, hungry, while I lazed in bed.

1 comment:

  1. I think that camera is so neat! Waiting to see a bear!
    Poor hungry Puppycat. I bet she will be glad when it warms up and you can play with her.
