Saturday, May 18, 2013

More Plants and Flying Fish

I knew I'd lost my reign as queen of the faux Tiny Wings game when I saw him sitting on the couch and smirking.
All but two of the perennials came back
It's more orange than it appears
Balsam--Haven't seen this in years
Keeping the dahlias in pots, because I'd forget to dig the bulbs up later
I love these colors


  1. I love violas. My Johnny Jump-Ups keep volunteering, but they don't last once it gets hot.

    1. Here they lasted through half of last summer, but it never got very hot.

  2. I'm so happy to see spring everywhere!

  3. Does balsam make the little green seed pods that twist open when you squeeze them?

    1. Yes! I forgot what the flowers looked like, but I remembered the seed pods. I think Grandma V had them, but Mother said it was Clarabelle. I sort of remember having them on Ryson street,in the back yard by the lantana.

  4. Mother had them. I thought they were in that flowerbed parallel to the driveway with the four oclocks. But I think you are right. They were with some lantana. I bet Grandma J had them too.
