Saturday, May 4, 2013

Name That Blob

 I was raking wet leaves out of the ditch that runs alongside the driveway when I found dozens of these blobs. Most were larger than my hand. I think they're black salamander eggs. I read that the mating adults return to the place where they hatched, so I probably should not try to hatch these on a shelf in the laundry room...They must not have a high survival rate, either, or else there will soon be thousands of them crawling around the yard. I'm still trying to figure out how something no bigger than my finger can expel a hand size egg-sac from her body.


  1. She must feel better now.
    How interesting!I would have never figured out what it was... Maybe there will be thousands; you just don't see all of them out there!

  2. I hope you get to see some hatch and take more photos.
