Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rusty, Again

Talking To His Ball
Listening To His Ball
Snacking on the last of the snow, as fast as he could. It's a bit sad to see it gone. 


  1. I found one of Friday's balls in the flowerbed when I was cleaning up. Another one was out under the propane tank. Sigh.

    1. It's sad. I think about that a lot, now that Rusty is so old. I was wondering to myself recently if he'd be around to see another winter, since he loves the snow so much, and then it dawned on me that winter will probably start again in 7 months. How depressing. I suppose there's still a chance we'll have more snow, too. Last year we had a big one on April 24. It's been raining since last night, and it smells heavenly, like dirt and water and clean things. The birds are going crazy. I went out this morning without a coat, first time over 5 months. Looks like we're not getting that cold storm you guys just got.
