Thursday, February 20, 2014

Snow Colors

Isn't that a pretty sight?

I need to get a better picture of the ice, above. It really is such a deep shade of blue green. That's the only spot where I've seen it that color.
  In health related news-- Ken and I haven't gotten sick, so maybe we dodged Walt's germs. He told me that he feels just about back to normal today. Lucky boy, the tamiflu must have gotten to him in the nick of time to lesson the symptoms.


  1. We were lucky. Our snow never got yucky. It was dry and drifted, then along came 40 degrees and it melted in 2 days. I hate when the roads turn all gray and cruddy looking.
    So glad you two didn't get sick. You have to take turns anyway. Someone has to be able to take care of the other!
