Monday, June 4, 2012

That Was One Angry Mother

This nest was built but never used.  I saw a robin in the tree so I went to look and found four more eggs. I'm pretty sure it's the same mother bird. They've fixed it up a bit, too. When I came back out with the camera, she started angrily chirping at me, and dive-bombed my head as I tried to focus.


  1. Were you wearing your cat costume?

  2. While she is incubating the eggs the male will feed the older ones until they can themselves. I've been doing some reading about fledglings. We have so many parent birds bringing their babies to eat. We have a pair of mockingbirds that nested at the back of the garden for the second year but I've never been brave enough to try to take pictures as they are so aggressive at defending their nest.


  3. I hope so...I haven't seen the male very much, so maybe he took them off to the woods. There's been a cat hanging around so I was worried. I haven't seen a single mockingbird since we moved here.
