Monday, June 4, 2012

Wild Roses

They are all over up here. If you drive past our house a mile or so, the dirt road is lined with pink ones and white ones. The pink are 3 times as large.


  1. How fun to discover all these new plants!! Did you ever figure out what the tree was that looked sort of like a cherry tree down by the spring?

  2. No. The flowers didn't become fruit. These roses are in the back of the yard. I dug up a bunch and put them along the fence by the driveway but they don't have buds yet. I feel like Mother now-as we drive down the back roads--I'm oohing over rocks and plants while the driver just zips by without even slowing. There's a clump of huge poppies in the yard of an old abandoned place(at least it looks it) just down the road that I really would like to dig up. I also want peonies--all the old farms have them. They're huge!

  3. I love peonies. I have two pink ones. If you don't dig up the poppies, at least get some seeds.

  4. Everyone says the large flowered ones don't grow easily from seed, but I'll try.
