Thursday, August 1, 2013

Amish, Basketball, Peaches, and Hay

We went for a drive yesterday. Stopped at an Amish store for peaches( $15 for 51 large size), but they don't taste as heavenly as the Canisteo ones from last summer), then meandered down a few roads full of Amish farms before reaching the park. At the store, I saw a sign asking for M.T. egg cartons.  I have a huge amount saved, but I thought they needed the M. T. type( brand??) Walt said that perhaps the sign maker couldn't spell empty, or maybe it was written by a teen. Chat-speak, Amish style.
I wish I'd had the better camera, to show all the clothes hanging there. It must be a pain trying to see whose blue shirt/pants belong to who. Can you see how they hang across the line and all across the front porch?
I like the shape of the hay piles.
Don't worry, they're too cool to have totally matching shoes. Good thing Walt wore his black jeans.

1 comment:

  1. Those were the most delicious peaches last year!

    Do the Amish wash clothes by hand or machine?
