Monday, August 26, 2013

The Following Two Days

.....were horrible. It seemed like time stood still. I cleaned, organized closets, and burned trash. I took Rusty for a dozen walks. I cried with Ken. I watched 3 hours of Supernanny--a very stupid show.
Just an empty nest now
We feel the same, Rusty
  Things are a bit better today. He texted us this morning to say he was walking to class in the rain. Mondays will be tough, as he'll be in class and lab for almost seven hours.
  ETA: He liked all his teachers. His calculus prof has a French accent. He doesn't like the food much. He lives in the dorm that's farthest from the academic buildings--it took him 15 minutes. His Biology class has about 100 kids in it. He promised that he wore his glasses. He was paired with a kid who did nothing during the lab, so W had to do it all. He promised not to eat only a chocolate pastry for lunch tomorrow.