Monday, April 2, 2012

Beware the Bear

Our nearest neighbor told us the bears are awake now.  He saw a deer carcass that had been dragged across the road and half eaten. So, Rusty has to be on a leash now when we take our daily walk to the mail box.


  1. He is looking at you thinking he can outrun you if he isn't on the leash....


    1. We were clearing out some old branches from the side yard when Rusty's fur stood up and he started growling, then he backed away and ran off before barking. I assumed that he saw/smelled a bear, so I ran away, too. We realized it was an old, raggedy, black garbage bag that we'd dug up and tossed aside; it was gently flapping in the breeze, apparently just like a bear would.

  2. Down here in Kansas we have birds that gently flap in the breeze, not bears. I heard a discussion last night that the bobcats are now coming closer to the towns. They will be in the casinos next.

