Friday, April 13, 2012

What's Wrong With Kids These Days?

Finally--an upset villager who I agree with.  This man originally wrote a few weeks ago about his visit to the seniors( I think there are over 100 graduating, so this is a large school for the area). He was complaining about the lack of interest in the scholarships he had available. Supposedly, he had a tough time even getting the students to listen to his speech. He wrote that a year ago, most of the applications the alumni club received were not even filled out correctly. I can't believe (or maybe I can) that only 4 kids would be interested in extra money. I realize it's not much, but it would at least pay for a few books.


  1. Some students apply for everything they hear about and others wouldn't bother to lift their pens even for free money. It's easy to see where the money goes!

  2. I wrote the wrong address on my email to you. Check the later email for correct blog address.
