Saturday, April 28, 2012

Well, Paint Me Green And Call Me Gumby!

I  drank buttermilk, and I liked it. I needed some to make ricotta. The milk didn't smell too bad, so I took a sip. I had memories of Grandma Z persuading her grandson and granddaughter to try it, and both of them upchucked into the sink. I was expecting nastiness, but it just tasted like buttery milk.  The next day I added it to cake frosting, and this morning I mixed a bit in with the scrambled eggs. It was finally pointed out to me that I bought low fat, thus it lacked that blobby globbiness. I don't think I'm brave enough to try the other kind.


  1. No way! You will be making Spam, Potato, and Egg skillet casserole next!

  2. ...and who knows, maybe even hominy!!!!

  3. You read my mind. Although I like that skillet casserole!
