Tuesday, April 17, 2012



  1. And three at once! OH MY! Be careful, don't leave out any bear treats at night and keep your windows closed! I know your cooking smells delicious...You might wake up one morning to see them all waiting on your deck for breakfast!
    And take more photos when you see them!

  2. OK it was all I could do to refrain from making a Goldilocks remark. I give in. I can just see the bears looking up the hill and wondering "who's been living in our house?"

    1. Yep, I was going to put a Goldilocks reference in the title. Rusty acted happy and excited, not scared...so not good. I think he saw them as three dogs(like Mark's) to play with. Now Mother is worried we're going to all be massacred by them, and to make sure our (tiny) basement windows are ALWAYS shut.

    2. Can they reach your other windows in the living room? Bears can break onto cars, so a window might not be too difficult. Just don't leave any pies on the table!
