Sunday, April 29, 2012

You're Safe Here

 Turkey season starts in a couple days. I thought hunting was over, but apparently there are animals available to kill year round. The turkeys here, like the deer, are very laid back.  They gather on the sides of the roads, watching as you drive by.  They stroll through your yard at all hours of the day. I don't think they move very much.  If your eyesight was poor, you could find them by their calls; they gobble loudly over and over.....yet the hunters will still spend large sums buying camouflage clothes, hats, gun covers, and camo beer can insulators. I bet the bullets cost more than what the turkey meat is worth;  they are not meaty looking, but tall and leggy. I've never seen any tiny turkey heads mounted in their living rooms, so what do they do with them?  The thrill of the hunt, you say?  It's about as difficult as hunting a  loud rocking chair.

  She likes to wander back and forth across our driveway. She naps behind the coal pile. At times her gal pals will join her.  Maybe they're gossiping about the male who lives in the back yard. She's not really this fat- she was ruffling her feathers up.

He likes to hang around the edges of the yard, but as the picture shows, he's not too scared to come close to the back door. I hope they get together so we can see some turkey babies.


  1. We have Rio Grande turkeys and Eastern turkeys in Kansas.
    Last year I saw 4 white turkeys with one wild turkey standing by the side of the road about a mile from here. I guess they were running away from home. I stopped to take their photo and they came so close I thought they were going to get in the car.

  2. I got to eat some delicious fresh wild turkey nuggets. They were much tastier than a Butterball on Thanksgiving Day.
