Monday, July 22, 2013


I'm thinking--what the heck is she doing?  Mother's thinking- yep, that's  my Sharon
Harris Hill--Chemung River in the background
I have no idea what they were doing
More confusion
Note to self--don't pick raspberries while wearing shorts. I picked two handfuls before giving up.
No one is brave enough to gather them in the back yard, so I slid down the slope outside the front door and picked a few.  No wonder the Amish charge so much for theirs.
 (Walt went  down the road with me later and we picked a cereal bowl full.)


  1. LOL! I don't know what to say.

    What is unpleasant about picking raspberries?

    1. If they are anything like blackberries, the thorns will get you. My blackberries must have had some sort of poison in the thorns, because even a tiny puncture would burn for hours. I love to eat them but I was always poked and scratched so much that when I eventually mowed them all down I haven't missed them.
