Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Vicugna Pacos Dreams

Along River Road
I used to want these.

Now I want these.

They've sheared 5 of the babies.  We saw them all lined up along the fence yesterday. I must have one. No, two. The black/white one--surely it's meant to be mine?


  1. I think they have that herd mentality where they need at least one more to feel secure.

  2. Yes. Three would be even better. Now I just need fencing, electric wire, and a small barn. Then once I had all that, it would be super easy to have a bunch of cute, fluffy chickens, and maybe a cool looking sheep or mini-donkey.

  3. I vote for the alpacas. I read they use a communal bathroom area, so you wouldn't have poop all over your yard!
