newly made in the back yard--I hope the deer did it |
W walked the dog to the mail box after lunch. He stopped at the road to let Rusty sniff around, then crossed. That's when he heard an awful racket in the trees across from him(back in our driveway), Then he saw a huge bear head pop out from the bushes. It stared. Walt tried to drag the dog away, but he wouldn't budge. Walt yanked him and his collar pulled off, so he put it back on and yelled. Rusty then got scared and they walked quickly down the hill. He'd called me on the walkie talkie, but at first I thought he was just excited to see one(from far off). Two seconds later I realized it, yelled for Ken, and Ken beat me out of the house and into the car. He said he looked behind him in time to see it crossing the road, so apparently the yelling didn't cause it to retreat. He also said it was huge, much bigger than the recent ones, and that carrying a cowbell is now moot, because he has no plans for walking down there anymore. I think we're seeing them more often now because the berries are ripe now. I also wonder if this is mating season.
Whatever the reason, now you know to be EXTRA careful.