Thursday, July 18, 2013


 I wish I had a better camera. The hummingbird feeder is near our front door, but lately we've been hearing them buzzing above our heads while we sat on the back deck.  The guys spotted the nest yesterday; it's in the tree branches directly above the porch glider.
  The wasp nest is a problem. It seemed to triple in size overnight, and now we're worried about how to do away with it.
In other exciting news---the AC will be here in half an hour!


  1. That's a hummer nest? How wonderful!
    Yikes on the wasp nest. It must be somewhere on the house. I would call someone to come remove it!

    1. Yes--if I had your camera it would look amazing. She sits on it nearly all day, for 3 seconds at a time. Flies off for 3 more seconds, then comes back.

  2. Can you imagine how tiny a baby hummingbird will be?
